Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oct 22nd

Today is one of the happiest day of my life...
God has open another door of opportunity in my career...
God has open some closed windows in the heart of friendship..
God has made the way for me to fully realize again ..
that He listens and give the BEST answer at all times ..

Thank you so much Lord.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Two Double Zero Nine

Happy New Year! It 's 2009 a year of the Ox in chinese calendar.
Today marks another beginning of 365 days of exciting days , hopes and "I have to" lists or better known as new year's resolution.

Before I bid goodbye to 2008 , last night I reflected and so thankful for all the wonderful surprises God has given me in all aspect of my life.

Hoping my prayers will be granted this year for my family and friends.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Quotes on Happiness and Being Happy

Until now FS is down and I came across one motivating website which is I just want to share some quotes on happiness and being one happy person. This is just an initial blog for my next posting about a book review.

Quotes on Happiness and Being Happy
Remez Sasson

  1. Inspiring quotes and phrases are like vitamins to the soul.
  2. Happiness is within you. When you stop the chatter of the mind and expel your worries and fears you find out that happiness surfaces from within you.
  3. Happiness is not something far away and unattainable, and its manifestation does not depend on circumstances.
  4. Happiness is one of the most important treasures. It is within your soul. All you have to do, is dig it out and enjoy it.
  5. There is no need to search for happiness or to create it. There is no need to undergo all kinds of external experiences in order to enjoy it. It is always here, deep within your soul.
  6. Happiness is always here, but covered by thoughts, desires and fears.
  7. Happiness comes from within.
  8. Your attitude decides whether you are happy or not. You can change your attitude.
  9. Happiness is a state of mind. More correctly put, it is the state beyond the mind.
  10. It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy.
  11. Your thoughts and worries hide away your happiness.
  12. If you smile while you talk, you make people happy.
  13. A calm and detached mind is the gate to true happiness.
  14. Happiness is experienced after a problem has been solved, a fear has disappeared or after realizing a desire. At this moment the mind is released from it fears, worries and desires and becomes quiet, letting the happiness emerge.
  15. Look at the happy side of life, and you will develop the happiness habit.
  16. Learn to laugh. This will make you feel better.
  17. Focusing your mind on everything that you do, increases your control over your mind, which makes it easier for the inner joy to manifest.
  18. Your inner nature is bliss and joy. Clean your mind of thoughts and worries and you will find this treasure within you.
  19. When you wake up from deep sleep you feel happy. This is because the mind was quiet. If you are able to make your mind quiet during your waking hours, you will experience happiness.
  20. Each day do something to make you feel happy, until this becomes a habit.
  21. Cheerfulness is contagious. Choose cheerful people for your friends and you become cheerful too.
  22. Sharing and accepting other people's happiness increases our own happiness.
  23. Choose happiness, concentrate on happiness and you will find it everywhere.
  24. Let the joy in your heart overflow and water everyone you meet.
  25. Pleasure comes from the outside, happiness from the inside.
  26. A good word to a friend or stranger can bring light into their day.
  27. When you have a positive frame of mind, you broadcast positive thoughts and feelings to the world around you.

Recipe: Bicol eXpress Crab

Once there was a poet that quote“Good painting is like good cooking: it can be tasted, but not explained” . I would like to share my own "art work" from an abstract experiment -the Crab bicol express style. Crab bicol express because it is a mixture of chili spice and coconut milk or gata for Pinoy language.

Ingredients consist of 1 Kg-crab ,250 grams squash , 125 grams -string beans , 200-ml coconut milk , 100-ml water , fish sauce or patis to taste , 5 pcs-siling labuyo or chili , minced onions & garlic and cooking oil -enough to saute the garlic and onion.

  1. Simmer the crab until it is fully cook . Crabs are well done cook when it turn to an orange-like shell.
  2. In a separate pan, saute minced onions and garlic with cooking oil.
  3. Add on the well done crab with the squash and string beans.
  4. Add on fish sauce to taste.
  5. Add on the coconut milk with water.
  6. Let it simmer until squash and string beans are cook.
  7. Add on siling labuyo or chili for a spicy taste.
Ready to serve. Happy eating!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Little India - Deepavali Festival

Little India is one of the most colorful place here in Singapore. As they celebrate their Deepavali or Diwali Festival the place is more vibrant with colors and lights. Deepavali or Diwali is also
known as festival of lights. As we strolled around the streets many photographer and hobbyist alike take time to grabbed and cliked some photos.

Busy streets where visitors and tourist can shop at the bustling deepavali festival market or admire the street lights up.

During the festival of lights colorful souvenier items are all over the market place . Including the wooden carvings which have been common items on India's shop.

colorful Indian bangles

beads with flower ornaments

hanging "lantern" lights

replica of taj mahal

my personal favorite souvenier item

Friday, October 10, 2008

Recipe : Irish Puto

Irish puto because I got this cake recipe from my close friend Irish.

Fresh Milk
Hot Cake Mix -Sweetened

1-2-3 Procedures

1. Mix well the Hot Cake Mix with fresh milk .
2. Put the mixture into the "mini mold" then put the diced cheese.
3. Steam for 15 minutes.

Ready to Serve.
Note: There can be different variety of this simple puto recipe like pandan flavor , tuna , chicken flavors,etc.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Home Sweet Home

After browsing I'm quite inspired to show our family house in Pangasinan Philippines. Honestly, I really miss home . It 's a raining sunday morning here in Singapore , I just miss spending my weekend at home .

Thank you for visiting my blog site !