Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Inside Bangalore INDIA

Inside Bangalore INDIA

Inside India - truly rare and exotic . Living there
for 4 months, I had seen significant uniqueness and I can say that they have preserved their cultures and religions through time even they were colonized by British .My place in India is Bangalore - the capital of Indian state of Karnataka . Bangalore is the third most populous city and the fifth largest metropolitan area . As an engineer I would say Bangalore is the silicon valley of India where all semiconductor companies are there including AMD , Philips , Cypress to name some .It is where Bill Gates used to visit every month for different possible reasons like businesses and of course India has great programmers.

I stayed in apartment located in Benso
n town with my officemate near cinema house called Naga theather.We used to ride an 'auto' going to office. We preferred 'auto' since it cost us three times cheaper than taking a taxi of Mr. Morthy. I had several road experiences in Bangalore like books are being pirated in MG( Mahatma Gandhi) Road India .

In the Philippines we have pirated DVDs but in India I got several pirated books completing my collections of Harry Potter, Sidney Sheldon collections , Dan Brown books and Archies .There have unusual piece and my personal favorites like Body Language by Allan Pease, different culinary books and the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul. I almost forgot the famous book from India -Kamasutra. Another 'road experience' was driving without using side mirrors , vehicles side mirrors are all folded . Imagine that how they turn left and right. In India 'cows' are sacred , they are priority over a vehicle crossing streets.

Religion plays an important role in the daily life of Indians, Hinduism , in particular is extremely complex and continously evolving. Hindu is the largest major religion in India. Approximately 80% of the population practices various forms of Hinduism but there are also Catholics in India . We meet several Filipinos and Filipino nuns at St. Patrick Church.

I had rare meaning raw and unique experiences in terms of food , music ,holiday season's and movies. When we talked about food , I gained 20lbs in India because of carb , Basmati rice which really taste good and of course sea foods that I used to cooked. My taste began to savored several spices like oregano which is good with pizza
and curry and other tomato based dishes. My favorite Indian foods are only handful which include lamb burger, lamb steak and gobi machurian made of cauliflower but taste like meat. Most of Indians are vegetarian so there are many veggie foods that taste like meat. One Indian dish I can cook that is gobi manchurian.

Speaking of holidays we spent Christmas 2005 and New Year 2006 in India , it was so sad and I really missed my family . Two things because they don't Christmas and second no new year blast - it was so ordinary day.

What more I got?I remember we've been to Banerghatta mini safari where I got to see huge sizes of animals. I saw hippopotamus as huge as elephant , siberian tiger and bengal tigers.Another thrilling experience was elephant ride.

As our officemates in India would say Bangalore is 'westernize city' of India where malls are also everywhere like in any other city .

Clothes like Nike , Benetton and Adidas were extremely cheap in Bangalore because other than semicon company they also have several clothing factories.

To wrap it all I can say India is definitely unique and interesting and I'm looking forward to see it again and next time I'll check Taj Mahal .

1 comment:

Etet Ireng said...

Very useful info,
I heard this place as my boss has some business down there, currently i residing in Singapore.
Thank a lot

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