Friday, May 9, 2008

The Heights of South - Mt . Maculot

Several mountains on the southern part of Luzon are destinations for hikers . Some of these famous hikers destination are Mt. Maculot , Mt Famy ,Mt. Malipunyo , Talamitam and Pico de loro .

Mt. Maculot

Jump-off point- board a van/bus going to Lemery Batangas and get off at Cuenca town proper. There is a market nearby that can supply your needs for an overnight’ stay at the summit. The trail begins near the Mountaineer’s Store. There is another trail but less frequently used going directly to the summit passing by the grotto. The main trail goes to the shoulder of the mountain. A portion of the trail is well cemented leading to the more rugged terrain. The trail gradually becomes steep as you progress on your climb. Two thirds of the climb is on covered forest. The steep terrain needs both hands to hold on to the roots and branches of trees. The trail is quite slippery if you climb during the wet season. The last third portion of the mountain approaching the final destination, which is the campsite on the shoulder of the mountain, is a cogonal area. Assaulting the Rockies is the highlight of the climb, where you get a spectacular view of the lake.

Mt. Maculot is a famous destination for hikers. The climb is actually not that easy but the climb is worth the effort due to the majestic views of the famous Taal Lake. The lake itself has a soothing effect on one’s nerves due to its calmness. The serene surroundings make it a complete getaway from the stressful environment of the city and work. Try to make it to the summit before nightfall to get a glimpse of the spectacular sunset. This mountain is visible from Tagaytay and as far as Mindoro. The mountain’s shape resembles an igloo, with a rounded summit and a shoulder resembling the entrance of the igloo.

Climbing hours up to the campsite is from 2 -3 hours and it depends on how many stop over or rest time by climbers. Campsite is above sea level and it is so cool. Since you're on top of mountain at night the sound of the wind can break inside the tent .

The main destination or feature of this mountain is its shoulder campsite overlooking Taal Lake, Makiling and the Batangas towns. Near the shoulder is a place called "rockies" since it is a rocky hill/peak separated from the shoulder by a deep gorge. It’s a popular vantage-point for viewing the lake as well as a good place to have your picture taken. The trails are steep but Maculot is one mountain where you can appreciate the visual rewards of nature .

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